The 15 Smartest Things Heard (and Tweeted) at the Technology Tools for Today Conference
Joel Bruckenstein, one of the minds behind T3, said the biggest mistake advisors make about technology is that they see it as an expense instead of an investment.

1. More Technology Means a More Valuable Business

2. Technology Must Be Simple
Simplicity is the key for advisors. Bob Curtis of MoneyGuide Pro said that great software should make it easy to engage clients, answer tough questions and keep clients committed long-term.

3. Work-Life Balance
Jim Dario said advisors will work hard, but they don't want to go to a brick and mortar office every day. The solution: better technology. Dario said by providing employees with the best tools they will be more productive, and

4. The Cloud Is No Longer a Solution for Tomorrow
Marc Duncan at NetDocuments says cloud computing has gone from cutting edge to mainstream, it's an expectation at this point, he said.
According to technology expert Joel Bruckenstein (@FinTechie), the cloud is a low cost solution that provides better security and backup, but advisors need to understand where cloud data is stored and what happens if a provider goes out of business. These are key due diligence questions, he said. But frankly most advisors don't ask that question.
Tech expert Bill Winterberg (@BillWinterberg) says Carbonite provides great backup in case an advisors CRM were to blow up or disappear. Winterberg sayd the cloud provides "agility and mobility" that advisors will struggle to get from their server.

5. Social Media Ideas
Dario said social media creates tighter relationships with clients.
Mahna said that by 2012 there were 150 million new conversations daily on social media.
Tim Welsh of Nexus Strategies (@NexusStrategy) said if you want to empower your firm to use social media, RIAs need to capture and archive posts before they go out.
Bruckenstein said that any good CRM will integrate social media into it.
Social media should be incorporated into an RIAs marketing plan, he said. But the problem is most advisors dont have a marketing plan.

6. Data Standardization?
Bruckenstein answered: "When hell freezes over."

7. Cyber-Security?
The key takeaway? Advisors need to plan for the worst, whether that comes in the form of a

8. Get Mobile
Bruckenstein suggested advisors take a hard look at how their website looks on a mobile device because if your website doesn't look good on a mobile device, then a potential clients is probably moving on to the next advisor.

9. Video Conferencing
Winterberg said clients expect their advisor to use video conferencing to increase engagement.
I don't need an advisor within five miles of my house. I need an advisor who is an expert in my needs, he said.
One important tip from Winterberg: If you are using free video conferencing, be sure to turn off your email pop ups. Or spend the $20 for the premium version, he said.

10. Apples Dominance
Trust Company of American CIO Dennis Noto asked an audience how many advisors were using iPhones and a third of the audience raised its hand.
At the conference, Winterberg polled an audience to find out what type of tablet they used. @MichaelKitces tweeted: mostly iPads, a few Android tablets, & only @FinTechie using a Windows 8 tablet.
Winterberg said the results werent surprising, Your clients own iPhones and iPads too. For advisors, this can establish continuity.

11. Is BlackBerry Doomed?
At another session the audience was polled to find out how many were still using BlackBerry? Only one person raised their hand.

12. Tablet Innovations

13. Apps
RescueTime tracks the amount of time you spend on Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Facebook, and Twitter, and provides a handy reminder to ensure advisors don't spend too much time on social media.
Yammer, Jive and Chatter are good closed social networks for an advisors practice.
Reportive, Outlook Social Connector, and Contactuall are good tools for advisors to get referrals from social media.

14. Document Management
Ken Severud (@KenSeverud) of Wealth Enhancement Group, a Minnesota financial planning and advisor services firm, said by using Laserfiche his firm has reduced its paper consumption by 450,00 pages annually.
Severud said by reducing paper, the biggest savings comes from postal expenses, thanks to double-sided copies.
Rob Major of AssetBook predicted that paper will go away (in terms of reporting) within the next 5 to 10 years.

15. Windows 8
Since it was launched in October, 60 million users have shifted to Windows 8 and it is adding 20 million new users each monthly.
To attract more independent advisors to its Windows 8 platform, Microsoft is in the process of developing complete
What was the smartest thing you heard at T3? Tweet us at @finplan.