The regulator’s annual industry snapshot and financial report offer a nuanced picture of wealth management’s most significant dividing line.
July 6 -
The compliance inquiry relates to past disclosures around the Intelligent Portfolios product.
July 2 -
Robinhood revealed several new inquiries from state and federal watchdogs as it pushes ahead to sell shares in one of the year’s most anticipated IPOs.
July 2 -
The move brings wealth building and retirement planning advice to a large, underserved population of new clients.
July 1 -
The SEC alleged the company did not disclose its conflicts of interests related to mutual fund share classes, cash sweep arrangements, and no-transaction fee revenues, according to a recent SEC filing.
July 1 -
The free trading app’s breakneck growth hurt the same small-time investors it sought to empower, FINRA says.
July 1 -
During his tenure as New Jersey’s top lawyer, the state proposed tougher rules for investment advisors and joined other states in suing financial firms.
July 1 -
The Advisor Group IBD missed 55 alerts suggesting suspicious disbursements by clients of Hector May, according to the SEC.
July 1 -
The penalty stems from lapses tied to a March 2020 outage and allegations that the fintech firm let thousands of clients trade options that might not have been appropriate for them.
June 30 -
Thousands of clients paid sales charges that they wouldn’t have incurred had they held the pricey alternative products until maturity, according to FINRA.
June 28