Despite laws that were supposed to eliminate housing and mortgage discrimination, systemic racism creates and maintains the disparities in Black homeownership and wealth. In the podcast, professionals from the fields of banking, lending and real estate discuss solutions that could start chipping away today at the well-documented practices and persistently wide gaps.
Featured guests:

- (Right) Tai Christensen, director of government affairs of the
CBC Mortgage Agency - (Second from right) Donnell Williams, president of the
National Association of Real Estate Brokers - Maurice Jourdain-Earl, managing director of
ComplianceTech - (Second from left) Michael Neal, senior research associate for the
Housing Finance Policy Center at the Urban Institute - (Left) Lisa Mensah, CEO of the
Opportunity Finance Network
Suggestions for further reading/ways to get involved:
- “
Long Island Divided ,” Newsday, November 2019 - “
Explaining the Black-White Homeownership Gap : A Closer Look at Disparities across Local Markets,” Urban Institute, October 2019 - “
Federal court blocks HUD guidance on down payment assistance ,” American Banker, July 2019 - “
The State of Housing in Black America ,” National Association of Real Estate Brokers, October 2020 - “
2020 Fair Housing Trends report ,” National Fair Housing Alliance, September 2020 - “
Fair Housing Action Plan ,” National Association of Realtors, January 2020 Expanding Black Business Credit Initiative - “
CDFIs Call for $1 Billion in New CDFI Fund Grants as PPP Misses the Mark ,” Opportunity Finance Network, April 2020 - “
The COVID-19 Forbearance Moratorium Enlarges the Wound Caused by the Lack of Homeownership in Black America,” ComplianceTech, June 2020 - “
Racial Discrimination in the U.S. Housing and Mortgage Lending Markets : A Quantitative Review of Trends, 1976–2016,” Race and Social Problems, March 2020 - “
Disparities in Wealth by Race and Ethnicity in the 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances,” Federal Reserve, September 2020 - “
The Color of Money : Black Banks and the Racial Wealth Gap,” Mehrsa Baradaran, September 2017