In the latest sign of regulators' ongoing struggle to
The broker-dealer self-regulator
The amendment is just the latest change to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority's rule for branch supervisors' home offices, also known as residential supervisory locations. FINRA's remote work proposal was first submitted in July 2022.
As a result of yet another deadline extension, that rule
Jennifer Szaro, the chief compliance officer at brokerage firm XML Securities in Falls Church, Virginia, said she's optimistic this latest round of tweaks mean the rule is on the verge of adoption.
"I've already started the process of reviewing the terms and trying to comply with the amendment to the rule," Szaro said.
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Szaro said the proposal would modernize regulations that were designed for a "brick-and-mortar" world. It would prevent firms from having to expend time and internal resources every year on essentially supervising their own supervisors.
"That really pulls our attention from things we need to focus on," she said.
As in many industries,
FINRA's amendment says this latest round of tweaks come largely
An unsubstantiated customer complaint, Quinn wrote, could be enough.
"The securities industry is unusual in that it requires associated persons to report allegations of securities-related matters without regard to their accuracy or veracity, without formal adjudication, and with public notice that may last years past dismissal or resolution," he wrote.
FINRA's amendment responded to this criticism and others like it by stating that firms could not have residential supervisory locations only if they are subject to an investigation or proceeding "alleging that they have failed to reasonably supervise another person."
Quinn also questioned a provision that would disqualify someone from working in a residential supervisory location if they had been working as a supervisor for less than a year with their current firm. Quinn said many firm employees have oversight experience from previous employers and shouldn't suffer for having switched jobs recently.
FINRA's amendment would allow supervisors to count experience from a firm's affiliate or subsidiary "that is registered as a broker-dealer or investment adviser."
Even while loosening the requirements for residential supervisory locations in some ways, FINRA's amendment would tighten them in others. For instance, it would disqualify firms that have decided on their own to subject their employees to heightened supervision from having residential supervisory locations. The previous version had only excluded brokerages subjected to heightened supervision by outside regulators.
The amendment would also prevent firms from designating home offices as residential supervisory locations unless they've first conducted a risk assessment. Among other things, the assessments would take into account how many customer complaints the firms has received, record keeping violations or other regulatory "red flags."
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Those tightened requirements would come on top of other prohibitions on what sorts of work supervisors could conduct in remote offices. Anyone working in a residential supervisory location, for instance, could not use it to store records or documents required by FINRA or federal rules.
They would also have to abide by existing rules including prohibitions on meeting with customers at a remote office, on conducting certain types of transactions at home and on using anything but the parent firm's computer system for electronic communications.
Many of these restrictions come in response to criticisms lobbed by groups like Public Investors Advocate Bar Association, an investor protection group, and the North American Securities Administrators Association, which represents state regulators. Hugh Berkson, the president of PIABA, wrote in a letter to the SEC on April 26 that he remains skeptical of the industry's ability to police itself from a distance.
"PIABA submits this comment because the bar association believes the amendment runs counter to FINRA's stated objective of investor protection," Berkson wrote. "While it is understood that FINRA is attempting to change with the increased use of virtual technology, it leaves considerable opportunity for advisors working from home to skirt the rules and fosters new opportunities for those advisors to engage in sales abuses."