The Spanish word for "power" in the name Poder Wealth Advisors reflects how financial planner Anna N'Jie-Konte aims to help women exercise it through the launch of her firm, she said.

N'Jie-Konte has set a goal of nearly doubling her current client base of 32 households with a focus on tax and wealth planning for women after rolling out the new Baltimore-based registered investment advisory firm in
"Most women, I would say Gen-X down, have recognized that there's a lot of power and necessity in managing their money and having a really solid handle on their finances and increasing their financial sophistication," said N'Jie-Konte,
Two years ago, she and former business partner Keith Beverly had
"The firm did a great job serving clients during her tenure, and I wish her the best," he said.
N'Jie-Konte's firm chose Charles Schwab and Altruist as its custodians, and she regularly posts webinars and interviews through "
That model "can really leave out a lot of people," N'Jie-Konte said. Her primary group of clients is professional and entrepreneurial women in the age range of 30 to 45 years old. They're high earners, and, "They need somebody to take a lot of financial duties off their plate," but that part is just "table stakes" compared to comprehensive planning and other services she's offering through the firm, she said. For example, N'Jie-Konte will hold monthly virtual meetings with experts on topics such as real estate investing to provide "a real tactical, tangible value-add" in the form of ideas and strategies giving the clients the ability to "walk away with something that could make them potentially millions of dollars," she said.
She plans to decide this year at some point whether to establish a physical office that could function as a content studio and a gathering place for clients, as well. The RIA will seek to add up to 28 customers it can serve in a "highly profitable, highly scalable, highly streamlined way," through specialty areas such as
"I wake up every day at an ungodly hour really energized," she said. "'This is my network. This is a place where I get so much more value above somebody managing my portfolio.'"