CHIP founder making 'Swift Strides' in NYC Marathon fundraising effort

One of the changemakers blazing trails toward a more inclusive future for wealth management will be literally running toward that goal in the 2024 TCS New York City Marathon next month.

Dana Wilson, the founder of Black and Latinx financial services marketplace Changing How Individuals Prosper (CHIP), is seeking to raise $26,200 for nonprofits and institutions focused on increasing access to wealth management careers and services among historically excluded groups. The campaign, "Swift Strides Toward Industry Equity," is taking shape ahead of the Nov. 3 marathon on a GoFundMe page and website. Donations will benefit the BLX Internship Program, Diversitas, Dispersion Philanthropy, Wall Street Bound, the Financial Alliance for Racial Equity and scholarships to The American College of Financial Services.

Dana Wilson, founder of Changing How Individuals Prosper
Dana Wilson is the founder of Changing How Individuals Prosper, a financial services marketplace and network for Black and Hispanic professionals and clients.
Dana Wilson

Wilson, who was previously named one of Financial Planning's "22 people who will transform wealth management in 2022," unveiled the fundraising effort earlier this month in a LinkedIn post. FP is a non-financial supporter of the campaign. After making the decision to run her first marathon, Wilson thought a donation campaign as part of it could be "a great way to galvanize the industry together" behind good causes, she said in an interview.

"It's great to run the miles, but it's also nice to do it in service," Wilson said. "There's something bigger than me that I'm running for."

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Financial advisors and wealth management firms often give back in a variety of ways — whether through personal philanthropy or their companies' charitable arms, pro bono services targeting clients who sorely need assistance or launching and participating in professional development organizations. The financial services industry may never truly reckon with a legacy of systemic exclusion that reflects American history, but many advisors, professionals and firms are doing life-altering work that builds generational wealth and opens career paths.   

Tributes to Wilson among that group of advisors and other professionals have poured in for her run.

"Dana Wilson is the real deal. She has been consistent in leading the movement to minimize the wealth gap in communities of color," Louis Barajas, co-founder of Irvine, California-based International Private Wealth Advisors and host of The Wealth Gap Warriors Podcast, said in an email. "Her leadership role in raising money for multiple organizations fighting for racial diversity and wealth equality is a model for advisors in our profession that have the same passion to truly make a difference."

Wilson's campaign is "truly inspiring and motivating," agreed Lazetta Rainey Braxton, the founder and managing principal of New Haven, Connecticut-based The Real Wealth Coterie, said in an email.

"Dana's enthusiasm for supporting CHIP's nonprofit partners through the NYC Marathon fundraiser showcases the positive impact of passion, purpose and collaboration," Rainey Braxton said. "Her efforts in making a tangible difference also highlight the significance of prioritizing health and wealth as a driven business leader."

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Wilson is "a great leader in our industry" and "an amazing community builder," said Luis Rosa, the founder of Henderson, Nevada-based Build a Better Financial Future and a co-founder of the BLX Internship.

"I think it's so great that she's combining her running the marathon with causes that help create diversity in our industry and that support groups from underrepresented backgrounds, such as BLX, FARE and Diversitas," Rosa said in an email. "It's a fun way to create awareness and build community."

BLX and other nonprofits "truly appreciate her support and commitment to collaborating as we all work to make this profession more inclusive," said Chloé Moore, founder and principal of Atlanta-based Financial Staples and another co-founder of BLX. 

"I admire Dana's dedication to diversity, equity and inclusion in the financial services profession," Moore said in an email. "Through CHIP and her speaking, she's helping to educate consumers on financial topics and connect them with financial professionals of color. It's been fun watching her emerge as a trusted leader in our profession."

Even though "running a marathon is an incredible personal accomplishment," Wilson is going beyond "just relishing in her hard work and celebrating herself" by using the race as "an opportunity to raise money for organizations doing amazing work and that share her vision of the future of the industry," said Ana Trujillo Limón, the editorial director of Omaha, Nebraska-based Carson Group and co-founder of the SER Summit for Latinos in FinServ.

"Dana is someone who cares deeply about the future of the industry and is relentless in her pursuit of equity and access to opportunity for underrepresented professionals and consumers," Trujillo Limón said in an email. "She has an ability to bring people together to build incredible things and she's selfless in sharing her knowledge, resources and connections. She's always thinking about others and always willing to do everything she can to make our industry better and more inclusive."

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Those interested in supporting Wilson's run next month can find more information on her campaign website, which includes a video filmed by the nonprofits and other organizations that will receive contributions. The proceeds will flow in a split among the five organizations, plus a special additional donation for scholarships to the American College.

"You don't have to join me on my training run, but I would love for you to join me in my goal to raise $26,200 for five amazing nonprofits in the financial services industry who are doing such great work to ensure the future of our industry is more inclusive," Wilson said in the video. "I'm excited to raise money for them and use my feet for good use in running the New York City Marathon this year."

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Industry News Philanthropy Wellness Diversity and equality