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The process of going through a
It's a significant focus for Craig Robson, founding principal and managing director of
"Those who are unfortunately going through a divorce, they need representation, advice and guidance," he said. "Many times they're going through emotional challenges. And then, oh, by the way, they've got a lot of financial challenges coming their way. And many times they've never had any insight or didn't lead on that within the family dynamics."
Before founding Regent Peak in 2019, Robson spent over 25 years as an advisor and managing director at Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. He said his current firm mainly serves four categories of clients: business owners, corporate executives and multifamily generational wealth being three of them.
"You've got a matriarch and patriarch who have done a fantastic job of working and saving, and then they get into their 70s and even 80s," he said. "We advise them on how future generations may not have the same success rates that they do. We want to flip that script, providing them advice, counsel and education to help the next generations."
To serve the fourth category of client, those going through a divorce, Robson became a
That area of focus means having a tech stack that can accommodate these specialized clients, especially using FP Alpha to assist in areas like estate, insurance and
"They want to outsource this aspect of their life so they can focus on what they tell us is important to them, which is their families, careers, hobbies and interests," he said.
It also means collaborating with outside professionals where it's appropriate.
"If you start providing legal or real estate advice, and for some reason you've got an issue or a challenge with your client, then all of a sudden that comes back to you as a practitioner, and you've got some bigger challenges to potentially deal with," he said. "I like to have those entities working on their own and then collaborating on behalf of their clients. I think that's a better overall client experience."
Scroll down the slideshow to see what Robson feels are some of the most important pieces of Regent Peak Wealth Advisors' tech stack — and why.