Divorce among older Americans can devastate

"When you have somebody who
"On top of that, if this divorce is happening post 50 or post 60 [years old], those people have less time to go back into the workplace and re-save for retirement or replace the assets that were lost."
Becoming specialized in handling these client situations can generate reliable referrals from divorce attorneys, who can act as
"I obtained the CDFA designation five years ago because I wanted to work specifically with women, especially those overwhelmed by having to take on being the 'financial person in the household' due to divorce/widowhood," said Monica L. Dwyer, an advisor who has gained trust and many referrals from attorneys in her practice. Dwyer is the vice president and wealth advisor at Harvest Financial Advisors, an RIA in West Chester, Ohio, and she has a CFP and CDFA.
"It opened my eyes to a deep and wide niche that is being underserved."
Below, Financial Planning presents a brief guide to the CDFA.