25 RIAs that grew advisor headcounts by 1,200% or more

With the number of financial advisors and other professional staff at registered investment advisory firms topping 1 million for the first time, these firms are fueling that hiring binge.

The slideshow below displays the top 25 retail investor-focused RIA firms ranked by their growth in the number of investment advisory representatives over the past decade, according to figures provided to Financial Planning by ISS Market Intelligence from its MarketPro Powered By Discovery Data solution. Firms such as Gladstone Wealth Partners, Wealthspire, Cerity Partners and Pathstone added the most advisors through recruiting and M&A deals

As the best available official tracking for most firms' headcount of advisors — a title alongside "financial planners" that often causes confusion and controversy among professionals and their clients — the amount of investment advisory reps reflects employees who have registered with regulators to provide advice. Rapidly expanding firms must provide incoming advisors with a long-term home with the right mix of flexibility and service for their clients and teams. 

With a lot of focus on "growing for growth's sake" and the "volume of transactions," some RIAs and other wealth management firms may forget the importance of identifying cultural and philosophical matches, succession planning and offering "the resources, support and infrastructure to grow organically moving forward," according to Penny Phillips, president of New York-based RIA firm Journey Strategic Wealth.

"The last point is the most important," she said in an email. "The only way to ensure sustainable growth is to ensure the advisor and their team, No. 1, has enough capacity to grow after joining us and, No. 2, has business development coaching and resources so that their capacity is filled with the things that generate revenue."

Beyond the right fit on both sides, other factors also play a role in the success of a new advisor or team at an RIA. For companies hiring and buying at scale, a niche client base in a particular field such as an advisory practice catering to pilots or specializing in divorce planning present some "very, very interesting ways to go about building business, and we've seen some very, very high quality advisors who have done that," said Raj Bhattacharyya, CEO of San Francisco-based Robertson Stephens

"You have to care about planning, you have to care about investments and you have to care about technology," Bhattacharyya said in an interview. "You need to care that those are important facets of a wealth management client's experience."

Those complex aspects of incorporating new advisors come with the eye-popping numbers for many RIAs boosting their headcounts, which is only one metric for measuring the size of a firm and a figure that some say may be overblown in importance. To be sure, advisor productivity, average account size, amount of clients, assets under management or revenue and profits would create altogether different rankings. And the below list only includes firms that were registered in 2014, when they may have had very few advisors and thus more opportunity to hike their ranks by a higher percentage than peers with a larger base by that year. 

Scroll down the slideshow below to see the 25 fastest-growing RIAs over the past decade based on the number of advisors. To see the list of the 25 fastest-growing RIAs based on assets under management, click here. For a look at the RIAs that expanded the most quickly without making any M&A deals, follow this link

The data for the below rankings comes entirely via ISS Market Intelligence from its MarketPro Powered By Discovery Data solution, which gathered the figures through Form ADV filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. After screening the filings to reflect companies that fit the "Best Retail" filter in terms of the mix of clients, assets and other characteristics reflecting a focus on retail wealth management services, the company compared each companies' number of representatives registered with state securities regulators as investment advisory representatives in 2014 and 2023. Excluding RIAs that launched after 2014, the following companies displayed the biggest growth in the metric during the past decade.

23. (tie) United Asset Strategies

Location: Garden City, New York
2014 investment advisory reps: 2
2023 investment advisory reps: 26
% change: 1,200%

23. (tie) Wealthstream Advisors

Location: New York
2014 investment advisory reps: 1
2023 investment advisory reps: 13
% change: 1,200%

23. (tie) Avior Wealth Management

Location: Omaha, Nebraska

2014 investment advisory reps: 6
2023 investment advisory reps: 78
% change: 1,200%
*The company previously listed the name Nelson, Van Denburg & Campbell Wealth Management Group.

22. FourStar Wealth Advisors

Location: Chicago
2014 investment advisory reps: 3
2023 investment advisory reps: 41
% change: 1,267%

20. (tie) Integrated Advisors Network

Location: Dallas
2014 investment advisory reps: 6
2023 investment advisory reps: 84
% change: 1,300%

20. (tie) Compound Planning

Location: New York
2014 investment advisory reps: 4
2023 investment advisory reps: 56
% change: 1,300%
*The company previously listed the name Atomi Financial Advisors.

19. Founders Financial Alliance

Location: Raleigh, North Carolina
2014 investment advisory reps: 2
2023 investment advisory reps: 29
% change: 1,350%

18. Fiduciary Financial Advisors

Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan
2014 investment advisory reps: 2
2023 investment advisory reps: 31
% change: 1,450%
*The company previously listed the name Action Point Financial Planning.

17. Drive Wealth Advisers

Location: Lehi, Utah
2014 investment advisory reps: 1
2023 investment advisory reps: 16
% change: 1,500%

16. Gladstone Wealth Partners

Location: Boca Raton, Florida
2014 investment advisory reps: 6
2023 investment advisory reps: 102
% change: 1,600%

15. Wealthspire Advisors

Location: New York
2014 investment advisory reps: 9
2023 investment advisory reps: 163
% change: 1,711%
*The company previously listed the name Sontag Advisory. RIA consolidator Wealthspire launched in 2019 through the merger of Sontag Advisory and Bronfman Rothschild under parent firm NFP.

13. (tie) S.E.E.D. Planning Group

Location: Binghamton, New York
2014 investment advisory reps: 1
2023 investment advisory reps: 19
% change: 1,800%

13. (tie) Cerity Partners

Location: New York
2014 investment advisory reps: 22
2023 investment advisory reps: 418
% change: 1,800%
*The company previously listed the name HPM Partners.

12. CPR Investments

Location: Rochester, Michigan
2014 investment advisory reps: 2
2023 investment advisory reps: 39
% change: 1,850%

9. (tie) Falcon Wealth Planning

Location: Ontario, California
2014 investment advisory reps: 1
2023 investment advisory reps: 21
% change: 2,000%

9. (tie) Financial & Tax Architects

Location: St. Louis
2014 investment advisory reps: 1
2023 investment advisory reps: 21
% change: 2,000%

9. (tie) Oak Harvest Investment Services

Location: Houston
2014 investment advisory reps: 1
2023 investment advisory reps: 21
% change: 2,000%

8. Pathstone

Location: Englewood, New Jersey
2014 investment advisory reps: 7
2023 investment advisory reps: 148
% change: 2,014%

7. Dew Wealth Management

Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
2014 investment advisory reps: 1
2023 investment advisory reps: 23
% change: 2,200%

6. Compass Financial Management

Location: Tampa, Florida
2014 investment advisory reps: 1
2023 investment advisory reps: 24
% change: 2,300%

5. Core Planning

Location: St. Louis
2014 investment advisory reps: 1
2023 investment advisory reps: 26
% change: 2,500%
*The company previously listed the name G. M. Penn Wealth Management.

4. Wealthspire Advisors

Location: Melville, New York
2014 investment advisory reps: 1
2023 investment advisory reps: 28
% change: 2,700%
*The company previously listed the name GM Advisory Group. RIA consolidator Wealthspire acquired the firm last year.

3. Graypoint

Location: Albany, New York
2014 investment advisory reps: 1
2023 investment advisory reps: 33
% change: 3,200%
*The company previously listed the name Bender Lane Advisory.

2. Sequent Planning

Location: Omaha, Nebraska
2014 investment advisory reps: 2
2023 investment advisory reps: 68
% change: 3,300%

1. Tucker Asset Management

Location: Littleton, Colorado
2014 investment advisory reps: 2
2023 investment advisory reps: 79
% change: 3,850%