Please advise: The 10 most passive aggressive email phrases


This is a friendly reminder to watch your tone when it comes to your work emails.  

Employees may not always realize the passive aggressive language they're peppering into their work correspondence, but a new survey reveals the 10 most passive aggressive phrases that make colleagues raise an eyebrow. 

From "per my last email," to "just following up," employees rely on these expressions to thinly veil their frustration and irritation with coworkers and colleagues, according to a workplace survey by gaming site, WordFinder by YourDictionary. The site ranked the phrases based on their Google search volume. 

Seventy-three percent of coworkers regularly deal with passive aggressive comments at work, a survey by tutoring service Preply found. But taking these phrases too far could lead to a toxic work environment. A survey by MIT's Sloan Business School found that toxic work culture is the top reason people quit their jobs. 

Read more: How HR can address toxic work cultures in a virtual environment 

Are you guilty of using these inflammatory phrases? Check out the list below:

10: As discussed

9: As promised

8: As per my last email

7: Circling back

6: Per our conversation

5: Thanks in advance

4: Will do

3: Friendly reminder

2: Noted

1: Please advise