7 Facebook Basics for Financial Advisors<br><br>
There was a survey done recently that stated that over half of all people will not ever use social media, especially Facebook. Now I am paraphrasing here, but really? Our great-grandparents (probably) said the same thing about the rotary phone. You can try to fight it, but remember when you said you were never going to get a cell phone? You have one now, dont you?
So, since Facebook is here to stay and it is how all younger generations willingly communicate, regardless of the stock prices, you need to start getting comfortable with it, personally and professionally.
Here are 7 tips to get you up and running on the world's largest social network.
Source: Matthew Halloran, co-Author of the upcoming book The Social Media Handbook for Financial Advisors and one of the top advisor coaches in the nation. .

1. Create your own personal Facebook page.<br><br>

2. Be selective about what you share.<br><br>

3. Connect with old friends.<br><br>

4. Use if for at least 3 months, weekly.<br><br>

5. Prepare for business application.<br><br>

6. Get local and get approval.<br><br>

7. Create Your First Milestone<br><br>
Now you can advertise, post fresh content that your clients and centers of influence can read. This allows them to feel more connected to you and your practice. Stay tuned for more ways to use social media to build your practice and make more money.
Also see:
10 Critical Social Media Tips for Advisors
Getting Social: The Rules
10 Steps to Twitter Success for Financial Advisors