12 Terrifying Retirement Facts Keeping Boomers And Their Advisors Up at Night
Here are 12 not-so-cheery facts that Baby Boomers and their financial advisors need to appreciate and address in the coming year to ensure they're properly prepared for the retirement they've always envisioned.

1. When It Comes to Saving, Its Getting Late Early<br><br>

2. Good News: Youre Not Alone But Thats Also The Bad News<br><br>

3. This Isnt a Shortfall That Can Be Resolved By Eating Out Less<br><br>

4. Those Cat Food Jokes Arent So Funny Anymore<br><br>

5. Baby Boomer Retirement Onslaught Is Just Beginning<br><br>

6. Boomers Are Getting Older, Living Longer And Paying For It<br><br>
Meanwhile, Medicare expenditures will assuredly increase as this generation retires, forcing many individuals at least those who can afford it to pony up for supplemental private insurance to fill in the gaps the government doesnt fill.

7. At Least Theres No Debtors Prison<br><br>

8. For Most Boomers, Early Retirement Is Only a Dream...<br><br>

9. ...And Retired Doesnt Mean What It Used To<br><br>

10. For Some, There Wont Be Any Retirement At All<br><br>

11. Bills Haunting Boomers Into Retirement<br><br>

12. Retiring in Style Is Harder Than Ever<br><br>
Also see: The Five Biggest Threats To Your Clients Retirement Nest Eggs